Studio Usher specializes in working with nonprofits, delivering high-quality work within clear, budget-conscious frameworks. Our approach reduces the challenges of working with consultants and fosters lasting partnerships that effectively communicate vision and amplify impact.
Theater & Arts
ANT Fest
Ars Nova
Arthur Ross Foundation
Arthur Ross Gallery
Coil Festival
East Harlem Ethnic Festival
Ethnic Festival
Fraunces Tavern Museum
La Mama
Lower Manhattan Cultural Council
Page 73
Performance Space 122
Performance Space NY
Project Number One
Public Obscenities
Rattlestick Theater
River to River Festival
Smithsonian Institution
Soho Rep.
Twyla Tharp Dance
Vineyard Theatre
Women’s Project Theater
Education & Civic
Ad Council
Bent On Learning
Coro New York
Education Super Highway
Experiment in Intl. Living
GO Project
Human Rights Watch
NY Sun Works
Opportunity Fund
Outward Bound
Sponsors for Educational Opportunity
Union Settlement
University of Montreal
University of New South Wales
University of Pennsylvania
Village Preservation
World Learning
Young Women’s Leadership Network